Has an accident injury disrupted your Arizona vacation? Was it caused by another’s actions or inactions? If so, don’t suffer as a personal injury victim in silence. Our experienced personal injury lawyers at Perez Law Group, PLLC are prepared to fight for you as you pursue an insurance claim and/or injury-related lawsuit. You deserve justice and each member of our personal injury lawyer team is ready to help you get it. Dial (602) 730-7100 or connect with us online right now. Remember, your rights matter, your vacation injury case matters, and so does your recovery. Reach out to Perez Law Group, PLLC today to speak with a respected injury attorney who will treat your injury claims with the attention and focus they deserve.

Who doesn’t want to be on vacation? Even though it is great to travel, there are parts of a vacation that can be stressful. When you have to worry about hotel reservations and fun activities, you should not have to worry about getting hurt and sustaining actionable personal injuries while visiting Arizona.

Negligence Can Ruin Your Vacation

Unfortunately, another person’s negligence can cause you or your loved one to become seriously hurt on vacation. If you have been hurt on vacation, you may have some questions about choosing a lawyer: do you hire someone from home? Do you need an Arizona personal injury attorney instead? And what happens if you end up needing to go to court?

Local Arizona Injury Lawyer Or Lawyer From Home?

If you don’t live in Arizona, you might want to hire a personal injury lawyer from home – but this could be a mistake. First, lawyers who aren’t licensed to practice in Arizona may not be able to represent you unless they petition the court for special permission to try your case. That permission may not be granted and requires an Arizona-licensed attorney to sponsor the out-of-state attorney.

Second, even if your lawyer does get permission, he or she is unlikely to know much about how our court system works or how to advocate effectively for injury victims from afar. Different states have different rules, and a mistake on your attorney’s part can cost you your case.

These are two reasons why you want to hire an Arizona-based injury attorney if you get hurt on vacation. If you really love your attorney, though, we can still help you. Our personal injury law firm partners with out-of-state firms to help clients get the best possible representation needed. You gain the benefit of our experience and resources when we serve as co-counsel.

Traveling Back To Arizona For Your Case

Most likely, yes. Generally, courts will require the person who filed the lawsuit to travel to Arizona for depositions and trial. But, with the increasing use of videoconferencing, there have been a lot more instances of depositions being conducted by videoconference. If your case makes it to trial, you would most likely have to travel to Arizona to attend, but your personal injury attorney can handle much of your case without you in attendance.

Experience With Out-Of-State Visitors

Yes, we have. Our personal injury attorneys are experienced in representing tourists who have been injured while visiting Arizona. We use our knowledge of the local laws to seek compensation for our clients in various kinds of accidents, from casino and hotel accidents to transportation accidents.

We assist with filing the right kinds of claims for our clients, meeting the tight deadlines to submit evidence, and preparing to negotiate against insurance companies. Where many attorneys focus on settling their clients’ claims (for lower amounts of compensation in some cases), we are always prepared to take our clients’ cases to trial, which can result in a much larger – and much more just – award.

Tips For A Successful Vacation Accident Claim

There are two specific actions that can help your chances of having a successful personal injury claim:

Seeking Immediate Medical Attention

Just like any personal injury accident, you want to make sure that your medical injuries are properly documented. Even if you feel that your injuries are minor, you still want to be seen by a medical professional. Your injuries could possibly become worse. Make sure to continue your treatment plan once you return home, and follow the plan your personal doctor gives to you.

Collecting As Much Evidence As Possible

If possible, collect as much evidence as you can that can validate your accident and injuries. This evidence can range from photographs, video evidence, eyewitness statements, and contact information. You can also request a copy of a police officer’s report.

Common Vacation Accidents We Handle

There are many factors that can increase your chances of suffering from an accident on vacation:

Vehicle Accidents

The summer months are some of the busiest times for road trips. These are the times where thousands of families are taking to the roads to get to their destinations. As the number of cars on the roads increases, the chances of getting into motor vehicle accidents are higher.

Slip And Fall Accidents

Whether you plan to go to the casino or a pool, there are greater opportunities for people to slip and fall.

Physical Assault

Tensions do not stop rising just because people are on vacation. Long wait times, excessive alcohol use, and the hot weather are just some of the factors that can lead to physical assault incidents between parties.

Drowning And Other Water Accidents

Pools are a fun place to frequent during vacations. Unfortunately, swimmers can sustain serious injuries in pools, lakes, and water parks. Falls are common, but the greatest risk of injury is drowning.

Who Can Be Held Liable In Your Vacation Accident Claim?

A critical part of your claim is establishing who the negligent parties are. There could be several parties liable for your injuries based on the circumstances of your accident. Our personal injury law firm has experience representing clients in claims against:

  • Drivers
  • Trucking companies
  • Casinos
  • Tour and tour bus companies
  • Hotels
  • Restaurants
  • Retail establishments
  • Water parks
  • Security companies

Protect Your Rights After An Injury – Reach Out Now

If you were injured in an Uber or Lyft, assaulted by a casino patron, sustained head trauma at a hotel pool, or suffered any other kind of serious injury on your trip, we can help.

Don’t let an accident ruin your vacation and your life. If you’ve been injured while on vacation in Arizona, it’s time to take a decisive step. At Perez Law Group, PLLC, our seasoned personal injury lawyers are ready to advocate for your rights. We are experienced, resolute, and committed to helping you navigate the complex legal landscape. With our personal injury lawyers by your side, you will not need to fight alone. We understand the impact of injuries on your life and the lives of your loved ones. You deserve justice and we’re here to help you get it. Call us at (602) 730-7100 or get in touch with us online. The road to recovery starts with a single step. Make that step count. Contact Perez Law Group, PLLC today.